Mass Plans
Epiphany of the Lord (Weekend of January 1 & 2)
Gathering: "We Three Kings" (#103 / TM #86)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 72: Lord, Every Nation (alt. ref.)" (#791)
["Proclamation of the Date of Easter" to be done only at the 9:00 AM Mass after the homily]
Presentation of Gifts: "The First Noel" (#102 / TM #85)
Communion: "What Child is This (with Child of the Poor)" (#105 / TM #88)
Recessional: "Go, Tell It on the Mountain" (#97 / TM #80)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 72: Lord, Every Nation (alt. ref.)" (#791)
["Proclamation of the Date of Easter" to be done only at the 9:00 AM Mass after the homily]
Presentation of Gifts: "The First Noel" (#102 / TM #85)
Communion: "What Child is This (with Child of the Poor)" (#105 / TM #88)
Recessional: "Go, Tell It on the Mountain" (#97 / TM #80)
Baptism of the Lord (Weekend of January 8 & 9)
Gathering: "River of Glory" (#665)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 29: The Lord Will Bless Us with Peace" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "Come to the Water" (#635)
Communion: "Behold the Lamb" (#335)
Recessional: "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" (#199 / TM #129)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 29: The Lord Will Bless Us with Peace" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "Come to the Water" (#635)
Communion: "Behold the Lamb" (#335)
Recessional: "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" (#199 / TM #129)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Weekend of January 15 & 16)
Gathering: "Glory and Praise to Our God" (#553)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 40: Here I Am" (#778)
Presentation of Gifts: "Isaiah 49" (#639)
Communion: "Behold the Lamb" (#335)
[Meditation suggestion: "Spirit Song"]
Recessional: "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (#573)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 40: Here I Am" (#778)
Presentation of Gifts: "Isaiah 49" (#639)
Communion: "Behold the Lamb" (#335)
[Meditation suggestion: "Spirit Song"]
Recessional: "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (#573)
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Weekend of January 22 & 23)
Gathering: "Gather Us In" (#302)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 27: The Lord is My Light" (#767)
Presentation of Gifts: "Those Who See Light" (#538)
Communion: "One Bread, One Body" (#355)
Recessional: "We Are Called" (#593)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 27: The Lord is My Light" (#767)
Presentation of Gifts: "Those Who See Light" (#538)
Communion: "One Bread, One Body" (#355)
Recessional: "We Are Called" (#593)
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Weekend of January 29 & 30)
Gathering: "Table of Plenty" (#310)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 146: Blessed the Poor in Spirit" [adapted] (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "Seek Ye First" (#448)
Communion: "Blest Are They" (#586)
Recessional: "Go Make a Difference" (#512)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 146: Blessed the Poor in Spirit" [adapted] (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "Seek Ye First" (#448)
Communion: "Blest Are They" (#586)
Recessional: "Go Make a Difference" (#512)