Mass Plans
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Weekend of February 5 & 6)
Gathering: "Gather Us In" (#302)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 112" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "The Summons" (#381)
Communion: "Christ, Be Our Light" (#542)
Recessional: "We Are the Light of the World" (#543)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 112" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "The Summons" (#381)
Communion: "Christ, Be Our Light" (#542)
Recessional: "We Are the Light of the World" (#543)
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Weekend of February 12 & 13)
Gathering: "Lead Me, Lord" (#587)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 119" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "The Summons" (#381)
Communion: "Christ, Be Our Light" (#542)
Recessional: "We Are the Light of the World" (#543)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 119" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "The Summons" (#381)
Communion: "Christ, Be Our Light" (#542)
Recessional: "We Are the Light of the World" (#543)
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Weekend of February 19 & 20)
Gathering: "Rain Down" (#587)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 103: The Lord is Kind and Merciful" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "Love One Another" (#423)
Communion: "This Bread that We Share" (#360)
Recessional: "We Are the Light of the World" (#543)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 103: The Lord is Kind and Merciful" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "Love One Another" (#423)
Communion: "This Bread that We Share" (#360)
Recessional: "We Are the Light of the World" (#543)
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Weekend of February 26 & 27)
Gathering: "For You Are My God" (#443)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 62" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "Seek Ye First" (#448)
Communion: "You Are Near" (#4)
Recessional: "We Are the Light of the World" (#543)
Responsorial Psalm: "Psalm 62" (sheet)
Presentation of Gifts: "Seek Ye First" (#448)
Communion: "You Are Near" (#4)
Recessional: "We Are the Light of the World" (#543)